I couldn't find Eva a couple of weeks ago. It was quite and so I knew she was doing something she probably shouldn't be doing. I finally found her about 10 minutes and a heart attack later, in the dryer. She thought that was the coolest thing ever. She even tried to close the door while still in it. Whenever we go swimming, she'll climb in one of the available lockers and shut the door on herself. Then she'll peek her head out and say "peek-a-boo" and start to laugh histarically. At least we know she's not clausterfobic.
Gabe LOVES taking baths. He splashes Eva like crazy.
Eva didn't want me disturb them in the bath. She was saying "hey, no towel yet" when I took this picture.
Happy six months gabe! I'm pretty sure he's already crossed the 20 pound weight limit for the carseat. You can't tell by this picture, but his feet dangle off the end of it because he's so dang tall. Time for a new carseat.