I couldn't find Eva a couple of weeks ago. It was quite and so I knew she was doing something she probably shouldn't be doing. I finally found her about 10 minutes and a heart attack later, in the dryer. She thought that was the coolest thing ever. She even tried to close the door while still in it. Whenever we go swimming, she'll climb in one of the available lockers and shut the door on herself. Then she'll peek her head out and say "peek-a-boo" and start to laugh histarically. At least we know she's not clausterfobic.
Gabe LOVES taking baths. He splashes Eva like crazy.
Eva didn't want me disturb them in the bath. She was saying "hey, no towel yet" when I took this picture.
Happy six months gabe! I'm pretty sure he's already crossed the 20 pound weight limit for the carseat. You can't tell by this picture, but his feet dangle off the end of it because he's so dang tall. Time for a new carseat.
Wow, Gabe and Eva could be clones. They look exactly the same! -Jess
that's pretty scary/funny that she was hinding in the dryer. sounds like something derek would do.
Hey you need to add me to your blog short stack( thats my new nick name for you) love ya
Those picture are great. Bath time is a favorite at our house, too! I can't believe how old Gabe is looking already. Is his hair getting lighter?
He is big! I lik the little bath seat. We don't have one of those but I think Eli would love it.
What cute kids! Eva's hair is so long! I agree with Jess - your kids could be clones. Gabe is looking more and more like Eva.
The hiding in the dryer is really a scary thought, though, because I have heard of several kids that climb in there, close the door and suffocate. She looks funny and cute in there, but don't let her do it!
An interfering grandma.... :)
Remember my post a few months ago of Jake hiding in the dryer too? Why do they like that? Jake hasn't done it since, but he sure likes to play hide and seek too. Gabe and Eva are too dang cute. It's a good thing Eva's daddy is a military man! He's going to have to scare the boys away. Good luck when the girls start calling for Gabe too. It'll come faster than you think.....;)
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